“Lord Jesus Christ Touch My Eyes To See Everything Clearly!”


“Lord Jesus Christ Touch My Eyes To See Everything Clearly!”
There is no hard and fast rule in the way Jesus healed miraculously. Healing through miracles sometimes include the use of medicine.
“Some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.” Unlike in other instances of healing, “He took the blind man by the hand and let him outside the village.” He spat on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, and asked whether the man saw anything. The man said he saw people looking like trees walking around.
Once more, Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes.
The man’s eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” Jesus asked the man to go home but told him, “Don’t go into the village”(Lk.8:22-26).
In this particular case of healing, which is one of the cases where Jesus did not only say a word for healing to be effected, he isolated the man from the crowd, took him out of the village. He healed him and asked him to go home, but not to go into the village.
So where was home and how could the blind man find his way home? May be the man was brought from either the outskirts of the village or from another village. The important thing is that Jesus wanted to avoid unnecessary publicity! As to how the man could go back home and to even know where home was, it is easy. A blind is used to even the potholes on the way. But that is by the way. If Jesus asked him to go home alone, it means that from Jesus is not only the regaining of sight, but the ability to use the sight appropriately.
And this leads to our focus and take home message today: *There is a sense in which we are still blind even when Jesus has touched us. Jesus must touch us the second time on the particular spot for us to *”see everything clearly.”*
When Jesus has touched you and you are able to see everything clearly, you will refuse to be a part of the maddening crowd. You will move away from the mad majority and go home alone. Human life has become so cheap that people kill others even in God’s house because they see people looking like trees walking around.
When you see everything clearly, you will know that all blood is red and that everybody is created in the image of God. When you see clearly, then you will know the truth and it will set you free!
It is time we all carry our blindness to the Lord Jesus Christ so that he can restore our sights for us to see everything clearly. For as Jesus says, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains”(Jn.9:41).
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ touch me one more time so that I can see everything clearly. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Babila Fochang.
