“Seek Spiritual Truth Through The Spirit!”


“Seek Spiritual Truth Through The Spirit!”
If we have any clarification on being born again, it is thanks ti inquisitive Nicodemus (Jn.3:9-15). Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council. The Pharisees were spread all over the Holy land. “They were teachers in the synagogues, religious examples in the eyes of the people and self-appointed guardians of the law and its proper observance. They considered the interpretations and regulations handed down by tradition to be virtually as authoritative as Scripture.”
Jesus was embarrassed that Israel’s teacher did not understand what and how it is to be horn again by the Spirit!
Nobody can know it all. Knowledge is progressive. In research methodology emphasis is laid on the problem statement or research question which is often accompanied by sub problems.
If the solutions to all of our problems were already known by the teachers, there wouldn’t be any reason why it is important to answer the question, “What is new that your research would contribute to what already exist in the domain?”
Nicodemus could not know it all! None of us can know it all; especially in spiritual matters! On-going research by professors are often a response to the challenging questions posed by their students. We are no longer in the days when Lukong’s father would answer Lukong’s challenging question with, “You will know when you grow up!”
Nicodemus is in all of us. With all ignorance we come to Jesus Christ through Scriptures, reading and questioning until the Holy Spirit removes the veil of ignorance, thus revealing the fullness of Christ to us.
Full conversion in Christ Jesus to an individual is when through the Holy Spirit the Christ in you rises above the mundane inclinations of the flesh and focuses on him who is lifted up so as to enjoy abundant life here now and in the hereafter!
Weekend prayer: Lord I am not skilled to understand, always enlighten me through the Holy Spirit to discern spiritual truth. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



“Morning Prayer!”

“Morning Prayer!”(Mk.1:35-39).“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he

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