“It Shall Be Well With Us!”


“It Shall Be Well With Us!”
African parents often provoke children to cry – whether through beating or scolding. However an understanding parent will soon after comfort the child with soothing words, embrace the child and tell the child not to be naughty again.
Whatever good we are able to do is a snapshot of the original as it is done to us by God in heaven. God punishes us for one reason or the other, but he soon restores us.
Our pains, sorrows and hurts are temporary. Like the bedbug comforted its babies when hot water was poured on them for the first time, mother bug told them, “My children, do not cry. Whatever is hot will soon get cold.”
God is love and his promises are sure. We may be passing through some tough times; it may seem as if God has abandoned us, but he has not!
In the time of his favour he will answer us and in the day of salvation he will help us.
We shall regain our lost heritage and all who have abandoned home will return because of the compassion of the Lord. Our enemies are not going to triumph over us for long. It is for this reason that together with inanimate objects we should shout for joy, rejoice and burst into song.
My friend, keep this in mind: “The Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones”(Is.49:8-13). Therefore rejoice! Again I say rejoice!
Prayer of the week: Almighty God, I rejoice and shout for joy in thankfulness because you have assured my salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working week and have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
