“Submit Yourself To The Verdict Of God’s Word!”


“Submit Yourself To The Verdict Of God’s Word!”
Truth is eternal. You can kill somebody for speaking the truth, but truth has a way of resurrecting through another person. You may have power to kill but the blood of the innocent will haunt you all the remaining days of your miserable life.
When the blood of Abel cried for vengeance, his murderer became a restless wanderer carrying a heavy conscience.
Herod the tetrarch carried such a heavy conscience after he had killed John the Baptist. When Herod heard of Jesus, another fiery preacher of truth, Herod was disturbed by an uneasy conscience. He became superstitious fearing that the ghost of John had come to haunt him.
One good word for Herod though: If he had his way he wouldn’t have killed John the Baptist. It was the influence of a bad woman and her daughter coupled with alcoholic intoxication that led him to execute John. “…Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled; yet he liked to listen to him.”
Herod’s weakness was women and alcohol! By all indication Herodias was a manipulative Jezebel. She was the wife of Philip, the brother of Herod. She was now married to Herod. Herod arrested John and bound him in prison at the behest of Herodias. She nursed a grudge against John who kept telling Herod how wrong he was to marry his brother’s wife (Mk.6:14-20).
Truth is eternal. Killing a messenger of truth does not kill the truth itself. God may not raise a slain prophet from the dead, but he raises another prophet to make his word live on!
Be a harbinger of truth at all times. Speak out God’s truth in such a way that even those who hold sway over you would fear you, protect you and like to listen to you. And you too, do no harm to God’s servant, because if you do, you will live to be haunted with a guilty conscience.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to submit under the verdict of God’s word IJN. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
