“Do Not Be Alarmed; All Is Well!”


“Do Not Be Alarmed; All Is Well!”
Today we read the story of how at Troas Paul raised young Eutychus from the dead. Complementary stories for today are: Elijah bringing back to life the son of the widow of Zarephath (I Kgs 17:17-24) and Jesus raising the son of the widow of Nain (Lk.7:11-17).
Both stories concern widows and the death of an only son. Eutychus whom Paul raised was a youngman. So to say, God has concern for the future of the young.
In our present context youngmen are being exterminated without remorse! Do all lives really matter? The widows have exhausted their tears as they mourn their sons. Dear mothers, do not be alarmed; it is well! “Cry no more! God has seen your tears and heard your cries. He is coming to your rescue!”
Some side issues raised by the story of Paul and Eutychus: In today’s world investigators may conclude that both Paul and Eutychus were responsible for the youngman’s death. Firstly Paul “kept on talking until midnight…” On his part Eutychus chose a sitting position that was risky. He was “sitting in a window” on a third floor and “was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on.” Eutychus became sound asleep and “fell to the ground from the third story…” (Acts 20:7-12).
This reminds us of the acronym “KISS” – “keep it short & simple!” When the speech is too long it becomes boring and very little is retained. Long speechs are like sleeping tablets and can easily lure inattentive youths to sleep just like it did to Eutychus.
On the other hand Eutychus represents adventurous youths who take unnecessary risks that puts their lives in danger!
Again, when we gather to listen to the word of God we should be alert and stay awake! We learn from the Muezzin’s call to morning prayer to wake up and come for prayer because “prayer is better than sleep.”
My friend, do not be carelessly adventurous at the risk of your life. If you are a preacher or teacher of the word, “Keep it short and simple” because “brevity is the soul of wit!” Young man, learn to concentrate and push off sleep as you listen to the word of God.
Above all, whatever situation is dead in your life, bring it to Jesus and he will raise it to life! Yes, dry bones shall surely live again!
Sunday prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I bring to you whatever dead situation it is in my life that you make it alive again. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
