“Spirit Of God Help Me Express Spiritual Truths In Spiritual Words!”


“Spirit Of God Help Me Express Spiritual Truths In Spiritual Words!”
A European missionary to Africa while home on leave met an atheist friend with whom he had been seperated for a long time. The friend asked to know where he had been and what he was doing. He told his friend that he was a missionary in Africa teaching about God to the Africans. The friend expressed surprise and asked, “God is a philosophical concept, how can savages understand?”
This is the problem! The friend thought savages cannot understand anything about God because God is a philosophical concept. But that’s not the only problem. Things about God cannot be taught as the missionary claimed.
All the theistic arguments to prove or disprove the existence of God is based – to an extent – on the premise that God is a philosophical concept. This is human wisdom which God has made foolish. Human wisdom limits us like Plato’s cavemen to see the shadows and believe it to be our reality.
When a missionary first arrived Rwanda he went to the king and told him he had come to tell the Rwandans about God. The king told him, “If it is God you want to talk about you better go somewhere else. We already know him.”
The Spirit of God that was hovering over the waters when the earth was formless is still there everywhere. Humanity knows God by intuition and as inspired by the Spirit. But in most places God was understood only as a dim reflection in a mirror. Those who have the mind of Christ – who is our wisdom – can only help others who do not yet know Christ by naming him to them so they too can know him fully.
Human wisdom is limited. But as for us, “We…speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age…”
We are thus made bold to speak because “we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.”
Unfortunately we should not expect the world to acclaim us the chosen because “the man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned…” (I Cor.2:12-16).
My friend, seek to understand and appreciate what God has freely given to you.
Weekend prayer: Father God thank you for Giving me the Spirit who enables me to understand what you have freely given me. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
