“Holy Spirit Help Me To Love Jesus Christ By Obeying His Commands!”


“Holy Spirit Help Me To Love Jesus Christ By Obeying His Commands!”
Before a Christian enters the dock or witness box in court s/he is asked to swear on a Bible saying something like, “I swear that anything I am going to say is the truth and nothing but the truth. God help me.” But even so, we cannot keep track of the countless innocent people who have languished or are languishing in jails because some Christians testified falsely against them.
On America Got Talent Archie a contestant told how he spent thirty seven years in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. He was only freed by a DNA test. For thirty seven years a criminal was freely parading the streets – probably commiting more crimes – while an innocent man was paying for a crime he didn’t commit.
However, truth is truth no matter how it is twisted to the advantage of some at the disfavour of some. And truth shall prevail.
In promising the Holy Spirit Jesus says, “If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you…”(Jn.14:15-19).
The first condition is that love for Jesus Christ entails obedience to his commands. When we obey Jesus, he solicits the Father to give us another Counselor. Jesus himself is the first Counselor. This second Counselor is the Spirit of truth. Counselor as used in this context is not in the sense of one who counsels, but rather a stronger term for Counsel for the defence as in a court of law. He is the Spirit of truth who ensures that any accusations or allegations against us are in accordance with fact or reality; so that the verdict does not depend on the whims and caprices of warped up minds. Of course in a sense he also serves as our spiritual guidance counselor so that we may keep close to Christ.
He is already with us. But his presence is like a mother who is at home with a baby. While the baby is in the cot in the room, the mother may be doing some chores outside of the house.
When he comes to us as promised, he will be in us.
For now, in each heart may be raging a battle for right against wrong and we may still allow wrong to overpower us. But when the Holy Spirit will be in us we would choose right over wrong.
Good news is that the Spirit will be with us forever. More importantly is that no matter the way the topsy- turvey world treats us, we are not left as orphans. Jesus will come to us. Let us lean on him by obeying him and living according to his commands.
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the promise of the Spirit of truth to accompany me and that you have not left me like an orphan. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
