“Put Your Faith In Jesus Christ!”


“Put Your Faith In Jesus!”
John tells us that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The wine was not enough and at the behest of his mother he changed water into wine. For Mary this was surely not the first miracle of Jesus. Mary told Jesus because she knew what he was capable of doing.
Mary’s appeal caused Jesus to act when his time had not yet come. Despite his hesitation Mary instructed the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” The servants obeyed Jesus and filled six stone jars with water. When they drew it out it was the best wine for the occasion.
Some important lessons for us today:

  1. Invite Jesus into your life and disappointments shall not be your portion. Jesus will provide the best when you least expect. All you have to do is to “Do whatever he tells you.”
    We are told that the six stone jars were “the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing.” If these jars were empty it means the water had been used up by the guests for ceremonial cleansing before entering the wedding grounds. By now using it to contain water which was later consumed as wine Jesus had filled the containers with new meaning. This is to say Jesus does not come to destroy the culture of a people but to transform what is there and fill it with new content. Instead of using water from those containers for outward ceremonial cleansing, the water from the containers now become drinkable for inward cleansing. What a great change!
    Lastly and most importantly, by performing this miracle “he thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him” (Jn.2:1-11). Jesus’ miracles are not for public show and entertainment! They are intended for us to see his glory and put our faith in him that he is the Son of God. He is the Christ without whom we can do nothing!
    Prayer of the week: Lord Jesus Christ reveal your glory to me so that I should put my faith in you. Amen!
    Welcome back to a new working week. Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!