“Consistent And Persistent Prayer II!”

“Consistent And Persistent Prayer II!”(Lk.11:9-13)Bands of soldiers have died because on the eve of victory they sat down to rest. And while resting they were overpowered by the enemy. Consistency and persistence are invaluable ingredients of perseverance.So the Lord Jesus Christ says to us, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you […]

“Consistent And Persistent Prayer!”

” Consistent And Persistent Prayer!”(Lk.11:1-8).The Lord Jesus Christ was a praying person and he prefered praying in solitude. According to Luke, one day after he had finished praying, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”Jesus said to them what to say when they pray.We […]

“Ask And You Will Receive…!”

“Ask And You Will Receive…!”(Jn. 16:23b-28).“I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name…Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete…”The theology of some rich Christians is that Christians are not supposed to be poor. Ask them the reasons for such a theology and they […]

“Praying And Singing Hymns To God!”

“Praying And Singing Hymns To God!”(Acts 16:16-34).He was a young and promising African theologian. He was a diehard Evangelical.He stood on the other side of the spectrum of African theology. He challenged whoever saw African religions and cultures as a preparatory ground for the gospel in the continent.His Ph.D thesis is published as “Theological Pitfalls […]

“Be A Griot For The LORD Most High!”

“Be A Griot For The LORD Most High!”(Is.42:10-16).The griots of parts of West Africa are travelling poets, musicians and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history. However, some unwittingly become praise singers.When the rhythm changes the dance style changes as well. The past is important to the present because it is the past that […]