“Deconstructing To Reconstruct!”

“Deconstructing To Reconstruct!”(Jer. 1:4-10).Some years back Christian Cardinal Tumi of blessed memory convened a meeting of religious personalities in regards to the “Anglophone crisis.” (Ambazonia was not yet a catchphrase- even though Fon Gorji Dinka had intimated it years earlier). I was present and was the one who read the press release on the outcome […]

“Speak LORD, For Your Servant Is Listening!”

“Speak LORD, For Your Servant Is Listening!”(I Sam 3:1-20).We continue our reflections on God’s call and human response.God calls us to different assignments and professions. Yesterday we reflected on the call of Moses. Moses was called to be a liberator and prophet. Today we reflect on the call of Samuel to become a prophet, liberator […]

“Go And Tell Pharaoh, ‘Let My People Go!'”

“Go And Tell Pharaoh, ‘Let My People Go!’”(Ex.3:1-12&4:10-12).God is always on the side of the oppressed! The call of Moses was a call for liberation. “Let my people go” is God’s liberation battle cry! Oppressors may have their day and enjoy it as long as it lasts, but one day God calls a Moses in […]

“Come Follow Me…!”

“Come Follow Me…!”(Mk. 1:14-20).According to Mark Jesus began his ministry just after John was put in prison. Today’s generation may raise the worry why Jesus had no concern about John’s incarceration! Perhaps the lesson we should learn from Jesus’ nonchalance concerning John’s imprisonment is that we should not always expect too much from the Lord […]

“Being God’s Jordan Bridge!”

“Being God’s Jordan Bridge!”(Jos. 3:12-17).Dearly beloved, the LORD has shown us his love by letting us see the light of another day. Lord thank you for mercy and grace.We have become used to knowing that when Christ is in your boat you will smile at the storm. But only few people have entered a mere […]