“Trust In The Light!”


“Trust In The Light!”(Jn.12:27-36).
Over the past few years different kinds of gruesome killings have been going on in our homeland. We console ourselves with “It is the will of God” or “God knows why”, etc. This leads us to the doctrine of predestination.
Summarily the doctrine of predestination holds that God has control over a person’s destiny. Destiny is either the hidden power believed to control future event, or about the events that will necessarily happen to an individual.
The death of Jesus was to fulfil his destiny to become the Christ. It was the kind of gruesome killing that we are experiencing the world over.
One time they wanted to throw Jesus down a cliff. “But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way”(Lk.4:28-30). On another occasion when they tried to sieze him, “he escaped their grasp”(Jn.10:39).
Jesus was meant to die, why did he not just allow them to throw him over the cliff or allow them to sieze him as they wanted to? The answer of course is that it was not yet his time. So may be sometimes what happens with us is not as predestined. Predestination contends with freewill. The freedom to choose. Like Jesus there is a time to run, until the opportuned time.
Even when the opportuned time came Jesus took it with a heavy heart. He said, “Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!”
Jesus had the option to pray for his Father to change his mind, but he refused to. The cross was the only way to overcome Satan. Through the cross Satan, the already fallen angel would sink deeper into the abyss!
While Satan will be falling, Jesus will be lifted up. In his own words, “But I, when I am lifted up will drwa all men to myself.”
He will be lifted up to hang on the cross, but thereafter he will be lifted up to heaven after his resurrection. There with the Father he has become the Great Intercessor and Great Highpriest of humanity.
The exalted Lord will draw all humanity to himself, but by the excercise of their freewill not all would want to go to him.
Both in his eartly ministry and after, Jesus is the light. He cautions, “Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you…Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light.”
Dear friend, have you seen the light, then trust in the light and be a child of light at your little corner.
Sunday prayer: Holy Spirit lead me to walk in the light and to be a child of light. Keep me away from presumptuous sins. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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