“The Way Up Is Down!”


“The way Up Is Down!”(Mk.9:33-37).
A journalist asked a bandleader, “Which is the most difficult instrument to play?” The bandleader responded, “Second fiddle! Nobody wants to play second fiddle.”
A musical orchestra is organized in such a way that the first violin is the musician who leads the section, this being the highest position of the musicians in the orchestra. So to say, the second violin musician is subordinate to the first. It requires a degree of strength and humility to play the second violin. Hence the phrase, “to play the second fiddle.”
The second fiddle has come to mean having a subordinate role to someone or something; to be treated as less important than someone or something, even when you are doing the same thing.
“Questions of rank and status are normal and played an important role in the life of Jewish groups” in the time of Jesus, in the same way that it is with us today.
But in Jesus’ value system rank status had no place.
While traveling Jesus overheard his disciples arguing about who was the greatest. When they were in the house, he asked them what they were arguing about. They were quiet, maybe embarrassed to know that Jesus had overheard them.
Jesus told them, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.”
By this, Jesus advocates for “Servant-hood leadership.” Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are called to serve and not to be served.
It is not just about service but having a childlike outlook on life.
The Lord took a little child in his arms and said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
Certainly the Bigwigs and Big Bosses have no time for little children. To welcome little children is to become childlike.
By being like a child should not be regression, which is “a popular but frequently forgotten defense mechanism.” When life is harsh and a person feels vulnerable, that’s when defense mechanisms come in as a way of self-preservation. Regression as a defense mechanism” is a return to childlike behaviour as a way to avoid adult-like reality.” This is certainly not what the Lord wants us to become to proof that we welcome him.
We have to be joyful like children because children have a uniquely joyful spirit. We should be expectant from God in the same way children expect from adults. We have to trust God, just as children trust their patents unquestionably. We have to be innocent just as children and to be humble in the same way that children are.
Titles, positions, power, fame and popularity does not guarantee our relationship with Christ and God. It is not as if these things are not important, but when they become our pride, then we can no longer welcome Christ since it is difficult to serve two master’s at the same time.
Bottom line: Rejoice in the LORD always. Expect from him trustingly and with childlike innocence. To top it all, submit to the LORD in humility.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me not to think too highly of myself, but to submit to your directives. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Prayer point: Pray for the “Magufulication” of African Sacral and Political leaders.
Rev Babila Fochang.



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