“The Invite!”


“The Invite!”(Mt.22:1-14).
It is common among overspoilt children to demonstrate arrogance even to their parents. Such was the arrogance of Israel. As the chosen people of God, they considered that the kingdom of heaven belonged to them by right of being the bloodline to the partriarchs.
The Israelites became so comfortable with the law of Moses, yet failed to live the intrinsic requirements of the law. When the time of God’s salvation was fully right, he sent the Messiah. When God stretched out his hand with the invite that the time of salvation was ripe, they rejected it with arrogance.
God then extended the invite to whoever cared to heed and respond. Thus, the Gentiles that we are have been called to be the church – the new Israel. However, being a member of the church, a member of the new Israel is not the guarantee for salvation.
Salvation is guaranteed to those within the church who have fulfilled all righteousness as God requires. It is about believing in the name of Jesus Christ his son and obeying and living his commands.
Those who ignore him, reject him completely or persecute his messengers shall face his wrath and those who have joined the church but are not putting on the wedding garments shall be tied and thrown out.
The question is, after deep introspection, “Where do you belong?”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the free offer of salvation. Holy Spirit clothe us with the wedding garments before we enter the banquet hall. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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