“Submit To Governing Authorities!”


“Submit To Governing Authorities…!”(Rom.13:1-7).
When some of the apostles were brought before the Sanhedrin, Peter and the others defended themselves, saying, “We must obey God rather than men”(Acts 5:29f). Faith inclined as this response is, it has been the bedrock in the perennial tension of Church State relationship.
Are Christians so above the state, such that they owe no allegiance to the state?
Israel was initially a theocracy where God ruled indirectly through his prophets. Israel eventually got attracted to the nations around them. They asked for freedom to be like their neighbours. God asked Samuel to allow them to go the way of other nations by anointing a king for them.
Christ says we are in the world but do not belong to the world since ours is a spiritual kingdom.
This does not mean Christians are not subjected to human rule and authority.
Christians are citizens of heaven, but they are presently residing in earthly countries. And wherever a Christian lives, s/he must respect the laws of that country. Respecting the laws of a country means subservience to the authorities who have been placed by God?
But how far should subservience to the authorities go?
When authorities overstep their bounds, they become useless, and Christians can boldly declare that they will obey God rather than man.
We may wonder how to determine the excesses of authorities; but it is easy to determine. When the authorities stand above the law, then they are acting in excess.
The scriptures that interest authorities most: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established…”
The newest president elect of the great country says his win was, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ. Ironically, this great country is great based on her historic Declaration of Independence, which, in simple terms, was a defiance to the excesses of governing authorities.
It is not possible to continue to obey a Saul who is no longer having God’s anointing! Many are the Sauls sitting on the thrones when the anointed Davids are out in the fields tending flock!
Chosen authorities are God’s servants to do good, and as long as you do what is right, you will be commended.
Some theologians consider that Paul wrote about governing authorities when his mouth was full, so he had to observe table manners. Otherwise, he would have known that the likes of Saul, who were anointed by God as governing authority, were eventually rejected for the Davids.
My friend, you may not belong to the country where you are residing, but respect the governing authorities. They are “God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.” Pay your taxes, your revenues, your respect, and your honor.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit help us to submit to governing authorities who serve the common weal. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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