“Readying For The Master’s Return!”


“Advent Journey Day XI.”
“Readying For The Master’s Return!”(Lk.19:11-28).
Jesus “went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and “the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. He said…After Jesus had said this, “he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.”
The parable which is indicated by the ellipsis above has a historical background.
It was an unusual practice, but the Herods went to Rome to be appointed rulers over the Jews.
Jesus speaks of himself in the parable being a man of noble birth going to be appointed king. While the people think that as soon as he enters Jerusalem the kingdom of God was going to appear at once, the parable corrects the wrong thinking and to change their mindsets.
The Jews expected the Messiah to appear in power and glory, setting up an earthly kingdom, defeating all the political and military enemies of the chosen of God.
Jesus was to later tell Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world…”(Jn.18:36).
The parable refers to Jesus who was soon to depart through death, but to rise as the Christ and then return as king.
In-between his departure and return, those who protested his kingship will be damned, those who squander or neglect what has been given to them will be impoverished, losing even the little they had. But those who seek spiritual gain in the gospel, for themselves and for others will become spiritually richer.
Dear friend, this doesn’t sound like a Christmastime story. It is a story about the Second Coming. What will be your spiritual condition when the Christ returns? Who are you in the parable? If Christmas day turns out to be the actual date of the Second Coming, how are you going to take it?
However, the kingdom of God is not about to appear at once. God in Christ gives us some time to make the right preparation now. Stay alert!
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide me on the path of spiritual increase worthy of the king’s favour
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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