“Put Out Into Deep Water…!”


“Put Out Into Deep Water…!”(Lk. 5:1-11).
There is the joke about the songs of the rich and poor Christians. Rich Christian’s song: “It shall be permanent. What the Lord has done for me it shall be permanent. “ The song of a poor Christian: “Change my story Jehovah, change my story…”
Jesus says he came that we may have life and have it in its fullness.
There is a sense in which the Lord is concerned with our material wellbeing – the offer of abundant life. He does not only call us to service; he is concerned about our daily bread. He sees our desperation and frustrations and he quickly remedies us; if only we obey his instructions. He exemplified this in the call of the first disciples as presented by Luke.
Jesus asked Simon to “put out into deep water, and let down the net for a catch.” Simon told him how they had worked all night and caught nothing. “But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When Simon let down the nets “they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break…” They had to signal to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. The quantity of fish was so much that both boats began to sink,
Simon and the others realised that it could onky be the Lord who could do what just happened. Simon fell at the Lord’s feet confessing his unworthiness, but Jesus assured him: “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”
According to Luke Jesus did not even say, “Follow me.” Just the miraculous catch of fish caused them to leave everything and followed him. They did not care anymore about the huge proceeds they would have realised from the sales. They left everything including their nets, boats and the fish to follow the Great Provider.
My friend, there are times when to catch men as Jesus did with these first disciples you have to give them their daily bread and not the word of God. An empty stomach listens to the word of God with just one ear. To a needy person the word enters through one ear and goes out through the other.
When people are assured of the source of their daily bread, they will pursue that source with vigour.
Importantly, obedience to the Lord’s instructions is rewarding. When the Lord asked Simon to venture into the deep and cast his nets, Simon did not argue.
Cultivate yourself to listen to the silent voice of the Lord and do what he says. It will yield huge dividends. Besides, fishing in shallow waters is wasted labour. Venture into the deep waters, be daring, take risk if you want best results. As it is said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!”
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me daily to trust and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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