

The story today centers around Moses. The story of Moses begins in Africa. The Bible may have come to Africa through a roundabout route, but Africa remains the backbone of the salvation story as in many ways Moses like Joseph are prototypes of Jesus the Christ.
Some times we tend to question the potency of God because he acts in a roundabout way. A case in point is the birth and upbringing of Moses. We may worry why God did not just look for a miraculous way to keep Moses safe. But when we take the story at face value we can appreciate that he wants us to understand this: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you a prophet to the nations”(Jer.1:5).
There are always two sides to every coin. I can imagine what Pharaoh could have done to all the women who thwarted his plan of killing all the Hebrew male children during delivery. These women included the two Hebrew midwives who because they feared God did not do what the king told them to do. There is the mother of Moses who was inspired to make a small ark through which the baby was saved. Then we have Moses’ sister who stood by to watch the outcome and who outwitted Pharaoh’s daughter by bringing Moses’mother to be a hired nurse to bring up Moses for payment. Greatest of them all is the nameless Pharaoh’s daughter who saved Moses and made him grow right under the eyes of Pharaoh!
If only Pharaoh had known that the monster that will grow up to destroy him was bred by his own daughter, in his own palace! Truly, a kingdom divided within itself cannot stand.
On the other side of the coin we rejoice that God used all those women to save and protect Moses’ life.
Due to male chauvinism and patriarchy we say “it is a man’s world;” but what can that world be without the women?
“Mother is gold!” I can imagine what was going through the mind of Moses’ mother as she waited in anguish, not knowing if Pharaoh’s daughter would come to the stream at the right time. What if she came and had no concern about the child? And as she nursed Moses she must have lived in trepidation that it may someday be known that she was the biological mother of Moses.
We can only be humble to acknowledge that “God works in mysterious ways.”
Within a wicked Pharaoh came a saintly seed – his daughter. Within the confines of the palace of a wicked king was a saintly soul who rescued a life her father would have instantly destroyed.
What has been ordained to be will be.
If God is for you, no one can be against you. The night of pain may be long, but the dawn of joy erases all the pain. God’s purpose upon your life is on course; be hopeful and make efforts to make it come to pass.
Prayer: LORD work your way through me as you have planned. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“Saved By The Gardener!”

“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is

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