“Lord, Make Us Know Today What Would Bring Us Peace!”


“Lord, Make Us Know Today What Would Bring Us Peace!”(Lk.19:38-48).
The song of Jesus’ disciples during the Triumphal entry did not augur well with some Pharisees who were present. It was a song that hailed the king coming in the name of the Lord. It highlighted the peace in heaven and the glory in the highest. But some Pharisees who were in the crowd told Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” There is no doubt why these Pharisees, Sadduccees and teachers of the Law were always present in the crowd around Jesus. Theirs was to find fault so that they could give the dog a bad name as a pretext to hang it. Today we have followers who follow and read every single post you write, not to seek edification, but to find a leverage against you! Never mind them, because they are so blinded by their swelling egos such that they are not able to discern the signs of the time.
Jesus laments, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes…” The result of such failure to discern the signs of what brings peace leads to destruction and desolation “because you did not recognise the time of God’s coming to you.”
Lack of discernment is when the practice of wrong becomes the norm, thus making it right in our eyes to the extent that we see nothing wrong with what is absolutely wrong!
Dear friend, we should pray for discernment so as to be able to know what would bring us peace. Jesus Christ Is the Prince who brings peace. The Church Militant is his visible body here on earth. We would find his peace that passes human understand only when we do not make of his house of prayer ‘a den of thieves!’
If we are the prayer warriors that we are meant to be, we will humble ourselves before the throne of grace with repentant hearts. God who is merciful will hear us and have mercy on us.
We should not recrucify the Christ again because our comfort zones seems threatened by his presence. Rather we should be encouragers to those who are hanging on his words.
Peace is beautiful but we cannot enjoy its beauty if it is hidden away from our eyes. Let us find it through penitence and repentance!
Weekend prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, with repentant hearts we ask for discerning eyes so as to know what brings us true peace . Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
