“Let Us Return To The LORD!”


“Let Us Return To The LORD!”(Lam.3:37-57).
Those of us living in GZ cannot cease lamenting the devastating effects of war. From where I am, landmarks like the historic Native Authority courthouse, the Community Hall, built upon the strain and effort of the people, then in modern times the admirable grandstand, the new council offices and greatest of all, the Japanese donated state-of-the-art primary school – a rare gem which only few communities benefited from the Japanese are all in ruins.
As if to add salt to injury, within the community houses that have been vandalised, looted and burned down are in hundreds. Almost every house by the roadside is riddled with bullets.
The desolation is real!
Right up to early 2019 I dared to travel from Buea through Kumba to Bamenda. There were times that we were caught in crossfires, but we were never deterred. As we traveled along, we saw the devastation and it was and is still real.
The authorities of this land may pretend that all is well, but the dead toll keeps rising daily – especially in the North West or Northern region.
In all these, we keep asking, “How did we get here?” The question is neither rhetorical, nor is it a question of ignorance seeking clarification. Rather the question is like a teacher asking a question to test the pupils level of understanding and retention.
Once upon a time, – that was soon after the Babylonian invasion and devastation of Jerusalem – a poetic Jew saw the destruction and desolation of the once beautiful city of God and lamented uncontrollably.
Today his lament over the desolation has become a sacred text to us. When we too look at the devastation and desolation of GZ we should lament. We did not bargain for all these kidnappings and terrorization of our people!
In lamentating over the ruins of Jerusalem the author leads us to this fundamental truth: Underlying any political, economic or social crisis, is a spiritual crisis.
Whenever there is a crisis, it is useless to ask, “How did we get here?”
Sin and alienation from God is the reason we are where we are!
So therefore, Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven: We have sinned and rebelled…”
Yes, a collective and public cry of national repentance will cause a loving and forgiving God to hear our cry and say, “Do not fear!”
Weekend prayer: Lord, hear our prayer and let our cry come up to you. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev. Babila Fochang.



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