“Jesus Christ, Bread Of Life, Feed My Needs…!”


“Jesus Christ, Bread Of Life, Feed My Needs…!”
Sometimes we grumble over everything; always wanting what is not there and failing to appreciate and thank God for what is there. One of my mentors used to say “if you give an elephant to a perpetual grumbler he will grumble that it is too big and if you give him a squirrel he will complain that it is too small.”
During the exodus the children of Israel grumbled that they had no food and meat to eat. They prefered to have remained in Egypt under slavery because there at least they had food to eat. And that even if they died in Egypt there would have been land enough to bury them. They blamed Moses for bringing them out to die in the wilderness.
God provided miraculous food and meat for them which they ate daily for forty years. Unfortunately when the food came they did not know it, so they asked, “What is it?” – Manna? Scriptures say he who would not work should not eat; even so, when we plant and water it is God who gives the growth.
God’s will cannot lead you to where his grace cannot keep you. He is the one who provides your daily meals. The Lord Jesus Christ is the true bread that comes from heaven. He is there to feed you till you want no more.
A lesson against greed: “Each one is to gather as much as he needs…” Although some gathered much and some little, when they measured it, “he who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little. Each one gathered as much as he needed…” (Ex.16:2-8 & 11-18 & 31-35a).
God has provided enough for each person to have a fair share if only we gather just what is needed. Do not feed your greed by gathering what you want instead of what you need. Even so, life is “turn by turn” because “no condition is permanent.” If at the present time you have plenty, let your plenty supply what others need, “so that in turn their plenty will supply your need” (II Cor.8:14-15).
My friend, we can all enjoy the bounties of Eden if you starve your greed and feed just your needs. God the provider wants all of us to gather just what we need. That is why Jesus Christ the true Bread of Life from heaven is able to satisfy the needs of all who hunger for him. Be thankful for every good gift and do not grumble.
Prayer of the week: Lord Jesus Christ, the True Bread of Life, feed my needs and starve my greed. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working week. Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!



“Keep The Covenant!”

“Keep The Covenant!”(Jer. 11:1-13).Yesterday we reflected on the jealousy of our God – which is the possessiveness of what he cherishes.Just like in the days

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