“Initiating Covenants Of Love!”


“Initiating A Covenant Of Love!”(I Sam.18:1-5).
Today’s text is about the undying love of Jonathan for David. This love was sealed through a covenant between them; initiated by Jonathan.
Like we have mentioned twice this week, love is innate and emanates from God himself.
Whatever brought David to the palace was in the plan of God. If the chapters of the book of Samuel are chronological, then David was anointed king before he entered the service of king Saul as a minstrel; singing for the king each time he was tormented by evil spirits.
It was Saul himself who told Jesse, “Send me your son David…”
However, there are likely two versions of how David came to the palace. One is the story above and the other one is when he killed Goliath. After killing Goliath Saul sought to know whose son David was. If before killing Goliath David was already in Saul’s service, singing for him during his tantrums, he would have known David and that he was the son of Jesse.
What we can surmise is that God had prepared David for the bond of love and friendship between him and Jonathan.
True indeed that a stranger is the friend you had not yet met. “Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him.”
Unlike Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob for a dish of porridge, Jonathan inadvertently transferred his heir-ship to David by taking off his princely robe and giving it to David, together “with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and belt.”
In fact, Jonathan’s sword was a unique weapon of royalty. On a battle day with the Philistines no Israeli soldier “had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them”(I Sam.13:22).
God had already cracked David’s kernel for him. By expressing deep love for David, Jonathan was simply fulfilling in the physical what had been ratified and sealed in the spiritual.
No doubt “Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.”
This is unique. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is sweet music to be sung for some other person, but being practical about it is partial. Here is a typical and rare example: Jonathan loved David as himself!
Of course, we can say David merited such love. Whatever Saul asked him to do, “David did it so successfully that Saul gave him a high rank in the army”, which “pleased all the people, and Saul’s officers as well.”
This tells us David was a lovable person, and he was assiduous and conscientious.
My friend, it is good to be lovable so as to be loved. We attract what we radiate. Importantly is to have a loving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ so that the love you receive here is a replica of the original that has been sealed in the spiritual.
Weekend prayer: “Holy Spirit help me to be lovable and to be able to initiate covenants of love with others. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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