“Father God, I Bear Your Name, Do Not Forsake Me!”


“Father God, I Bear Your Name, Do Not Forsake Me!”
The publishers of the New International Version of the Holy Bible paints a very calamitous picture of Judah by the choice of the subheading they have given to Jeremiah chapters 14&15. They’ve simply written: “Drought, Famine, Sword.” One needs just to add “pestilence” to complete the four ways by which a people can be destroyed.
Water is life; but when the nobles wait in vain for the servants to bring water, then there is serious trouble. My homeland is fast plunging into the abyss of dissaster! We are experiencing the sword in ever increasing proportions. We may want to live the lie that there is water everywhere! Yes, there is water everywhere, but drinkable water is a reserve of the few. We may want to live the lie that there is food in abundance, but the macabre “scorched land” practice that is going on, coupled with peasant farmers fleeing from rural to urban areas for security, something worst than famine is in the offing!
But there is hope! There is someone who cares about us! Let us cease to depend on our strength; let us cry out to the Lord! Our sins may testify against us, but our Saviour is in our midst and would not forsake those who bear his name(14:2-9).
My friend, what is the drought, famine and sword in your life? Whatever it is, it is never as bad as it seems! There are certainly some dark spots of sin alienating you from the Lord. But the Lord who is a God of grace and mercy says, “If you repent, I will restore you…I will save you from the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel”(15:19-21).
Yes, God is not going to abandon you to the mercy of your adversaries! He alone fights your battles and he remains the assurance of your future! Put your trust in him alone!
Prayer: Father God, though my sins weigh me down, remember I bear your name. Do not forsake me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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