“Eschew Psychological Projection!”


“Eschew Psychological Projection!”(Mt.7:1-5).
When we were Lecturers at the Presbyterian theological Seminary we used to hold a standing staff meeting immediately after morning devotion. In one of such meetings a concern was raised about a student. One lecturer proposed a hard disciplinary action against the student. Another lecturer said, “See who is talking! Can you cast the first stone?”
Life is measure for measure. You reap what you sow. What goes around comes around.
When you dig a pit for somebody to fall into, do not make it too deep because you may be the person who will fall into it.
We have a duty to correct each other without being judgmental.
Do not be too quick to see the fault of others when perhaps your own faults are more than their own.
It is always good to be auto-critical so that we do not condemn others for offenses which we are much more guilty of. That is called “psychological projection!”
Correct yourself before you are able to correct others.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit direct my heart against psychological projection. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace’be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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