“Beware Of What You Keep In The Storehouse Of Your Heart!”

“Beware Of What You Keep In The Storehouse Of Your Heart!”(Mt. 12:33-37).The story is told of a lady who threw all her garbage in the neighbour’s yard. The neighbour never complained. One day she knocked on the door of the wicked lady and offered her a basket full of fresh vegetables. The wicked lady was […]

“A New But Old Command!-

“A New But Old Command!”(I Jn.2:7-11).Some of us may be completely ignorant of what is happening around us. To my Cameroonian friends we are talking about the war on biblical interpretation going on in neighboring Nigeria.The pulpits of Nigerian Pentecostals seems to have become platforms for entertaining Christians as preachers challenge the preaching of each […]

“Walk In The Light!”

“Walk In The Light!”(I Jn.1:5-10).“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him is no darkness at all. If we claim to have relationship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the […]

“Purify Yourself From Everything That Contaminates…!”

“Purify Yourself From Everything That Contaminates…!”(II Cor.6:14-7:1).“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?…Come out from them and be separate…”The above doesn’t imply that we should firmly conclude that belonging to Christ means cutting off all ties with anything […]

“God’s Unbounded And Unfailing Love!”

“God’s Unbounded & Unfailing Love!”(Jn. 3:16-21).John 3:16 expresses the depth of God’s unbounded and unfailing love of the world he created. By that love is the free offer of salvation to whoever believes in his only begotten son. This means that all are expected to be saved, but it is also already known that some […]