“Be Strong In The Grace That Is In Christ Jesus!”


“Be Strong In The Grace That Is In Christ Jesus!”(II Tim.2:1-5).
A person is not successful if he does not have a successor who follows in his footsteps and maybe does even more.
The motivation for ministry today is “easy life!” This:easy life quest is an enhancer to the “Prosperity Gospel,” or derogatorily dubbed, “Food Gospel!” The food gospel is actually a new form of the sales of indulgences.
Our people say “when you give birth to a child, you do not give birth to his heart.” The physical features of a person may remain the same but the heart is flexible. It is the seat of transformation. “Like father, like son” may not be applicable to every father and son.
However, it is the craving of every well intentioned father to bequeath a befitting legacy.
Timothy should be a microcosm of any young minister who is zealous for kingdom matters. But any commendable Timothy is only in so far as there is a Paul who empties himself to ensure that Timothy is a good example following on his footsteps.
Paul who had suffered all kinds of indignities for the sake of the gospel knew that without the grace that is in Christ Jesus, the faint hearted cannot survive. Paul therefore urger Timothy, “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” And since ministry is about tough times, he went on, “Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
In this sense, there are three examples to follow:

  1. A soldier who wants to please his commander does not get involved in civilian affairs.
  2. An athlete receives a victor’s crown only if he competes according to the rules.
  3. And lastly, a hard working farmer deserves the first share of his crops.
    Our main interest in the text is the charge on how to expand the scope of the gospel and continue the teaching and preaching ministries: And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” Oh yes, tell somebody who will tell somebody who will tell somebody…
    Take note: it is not just telling just anybody. They must be reliable and qualified to teach others.
    Dear friend, while you work out your salvation keep reminding yourself that you are not going to be saved alone. The faith is cross-generational. As you receive from others, pass it on to others as well. But make sure they are reliable and qualified to teach others. By so doing, the past, present and future are linked together as what we received, we now pass on to those who will pass it on until the Lord’s second coming.
    Weekend prayer: Lord Jesus Christ help me to be strong in the grace that is in you so that I can endure hardship like a good soldier. Amen!
    Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
    Rev Babila Fochang.


“Saved By The Gardener!”

“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is

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