“Humbling Down For Reconciliation!”


“Humbling Down For Reconciliation!”(Is.66:22-23).
We all love flowers. Their sweet fragrances makes us feel good. We enjoy the aesthetics and flavour it adds to our decorations. But do you know that many flowers blossom and whither away without any human eye seeing it nor enjoying the sweet aroma it produces?
My friend, this is an imprecise analogy to tell you that God is God. God is who he is! God does not need us to believe that He Is before he becomes who he is! God simply is!
Those who believe his existence and his Revelation become his children. Do you believe what I just said?
You should believe it! Do not join the bandwagon of those who misquote Karl Marx to justify their denial of God’s existence. It is true that Marx said religion is an opium of the poor. But Marx was not saying this to state that there was no reason to beleive in the existence of God.
On the contrary, Marx was saying “that religion was not only used by those in power to oppress the workers, but it also made them feel better about being oppressed when they couldn’t afford real opium.” What a shame to the oppressed who cannot see beyond their noses!
The oppressed must rise up and ask for what rightfully belongs to them! There is no better way to explain this than to cite Malcolm X who said, I am not a dinner when I sit at table with you and there is nothing in my plate. Indeed, how can I say I had dinner with you just because I sat at the dinner table with you and yet I was not served? My friend, God is not a joker!
Our apostasy and atheism notwithstanding, God has promised us a new heaven where all the believers will come and bow down before him.
Yes, at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord! Take it or leave it; the choice is yours. But your choice does not change who God in Christ is. What he expects from you is to know and accept who he is for your own good. Hallelujah! God humbled himself to reconcile us to himself.
Prayer of the week: Holy Spirit inspire all mankind to bow down before the LORD who has redeemed them through his Son. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
