“Love One Another Deeply, From The Heart!”


“Love One Another Deeply, From Your Heart!”(I Pt.1:21-25).
I don’t know anything about how movie stories are developed. Are the stories taken from real life or they are fictions? Novels often carry lines like, “The characters in this book are imaginary and do not bear any resemblance to any living person known by the author…” My worry on this is how possible can imagination go in creating characters without having experienced such character types in real life or having read about them in other books?
Well, sometimes it is actually stated that the motivation is based on a true story; implying that some are mere fiction.
Recently trending reels on tiktok and other social media platforms are skits showing supposed best friends/spouses attempting to poison their friends/spouses. Unfortunately for such wicked friends/spouses, there is always somebody somewhere seeing what is going on, and who alerts the intended victim. In some cases the culprit is forced to take the poisoned food or drink. In other cases the victims actually die.
Content Creators of such stories may tell you they want to pass on the message that “Be careful with those you call friends/spouses!”
Sadly though, some people rather learn the evil side of such skits. Whichever way we view it, “evil is real; and very close by you!”
Friends and relatives are closer to you than a sworn enemy, and only those good friends can be part of conspiracies against you. Oh; the shock of Julius Caesar when he cried out, “Et tu Brutus?”
The backstabbing, the character assasination, the evil machinations of friends and colleagues wanting to rise at the expense of others is real! Sad to say that all these evil are rife in the body of Christ.
But it should not be so with us! Peter advises, “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.”
Dear friend, live and let others live! After all, our time to be together in this bus of life is only as far as the next bus stop where you or I drops. Love can never be deep unless it comes from the heart.
We are like grass, we soon become manure for the crops; only “the word of the Lord endures forever.”
The faith and hope that we have in God through the resurrection and glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ is of no value if we do not have sincere love for each other, and loving one another deeply from the heart.
Prayer: Dear LORD, may your living and enduring word enable me to show sincere love; loving deeply from my heart. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
