“Hope In The Midst Of Suffering!”


“Hope In The Midst Of Suffering!”(I Pt.1:3-9).
In pidgin English parlance it is said, “Hungry wey e get hope noh di kill person!” Meaning one cannot die of hunger once there is hope that there’ll soon be food.
The first letter of Peter can be titled, “Hope in the midst of suffering.” Hope is a key word in the letter. In scriptures hope is not wishful thinkg. Hope in the scriptures is “a firm conviction, much like faith that is directed toward the future.”
There is no faith without hope; “because faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”(Heb.11:1).
We live on hope. And it is “a living hope.”
Suffering can be the result of wrong choices and suffering can be innocent as in the case of facing persecution for seeking justice for what is just or for your faith convictions!
Shattered dreams are the results of misplaced hopes. Mary Mckee just like the proverbial prodigal son had misplaced hopes, but when they came to their senses they realised that they had abandoned the substance and went after the shadow. How many of us have not in many ways been that wayward prodigal?
Those with misplaced hopes, agree with McKee that when the scales fall off their eyes they realise that life without Christ is shattered dreams. And then the cry: “but I hope now I need my father’s mercy. I have sinned, and I know I’ve brought disgrace. I’ll ask him to forgive me though I’m wrong. I’ll be so glad just to look upon his face…”
On the other hand, hope under suffering is being on trial for the faith. However, in the midst of such unwarranted suffering we know that “God… in his great mercy has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and to an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade – kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is to be revealed in the last time.”
This becomes the reason for our rejoicing even when we suffer grief in all kinds of trials. Through suffering, faith becomes refined and proved genuine. The result of which is “praise, glory and honour.”
We have not seen the risen Lord, but we love him. Even now, we do not see him but we believe in him. That is why we should be filled with joy since we are receiving the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls.
Yes my friend, let your hope like mine be built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. On Christ the solid rock we stand, because all other ground is sinking sand! Hallelujah!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you. We rejoice because through you our living hope is assured. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
