“Be Joyful…The Lord Is Your Saviour!”


“Be Joyful…The Lord Is Your Saviour!”(Hab.3:18-19).
During the Babylonian barrassment prophet Habakkuk was worried with God’s silence when cruel people were destroying those more righteous than them?(1:4). The LORD’s answer was that he will act in his own good time, and “those who are righteous will live because they are faithful to God”(2:4b).
Habakkuk, though classified as among the minor prophets has been a great influence on protestant theology. Romans 1:17 which quotes this verse of Habakkuk is the basis of Luther’s “sola fide, sola scriptura and sola gracia.” “Luther’s central claim is that faith alone justifies (that is, makes a person righteous in the eyes of God)…” This faith is known from Scriptures alone leads us to believe in Christ who by grace alone saves us through the imputation of his righteousness which covers our sins.
We are not saved through works. Of course, works is essential as a response to what God in Christ has done; grace alone is sufficient.
This is how much contribution this three chapter prophecy has contributed to your faith and mine. The prophet pointed to Christ through whom we are saved.
My friend, the wicked are seemingly having all the stakes; evil seems to be triumphing over righteousness, but God is not blind. He is not slow to act; he acts at his own time.
How else can we prove our faith if we do not face challenges that leads us to doubt if God is still God and whether we can continue to trust him? Or as Job’s wife told him, “Why don’t you curse God and die?”(Job 2:9b).
God forbid! Hunger that has hope does not kill! Nothing can seperate us from God’s love. When the storms of life blow strongly and sweep away all that we so cherish, let us remain with confident hope and say like Habakkuk, “I will still be joyful and glad, because the LORD God is my Saviour. The Sovereign LORD gives me strength. He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains.” Yes, one day e go better! So cheer up!
Prayer: LORD God, thank you for blessed assurance fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
