“Take Heart; In A Troubled World, Have Peace In Christ!”


“Take Heart; In A Troubled World, Have Peace In Christ!(Jn.16:29-33).
The disciples said to Jesus,“Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech…This makes us believe that you came from God.”
Jeses answered them,“You believe at last!…I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Research works are expected to be clear and precise, void of figurative language. To the majority, figurative language needs further explanation before it is understood.
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus had been speaking figuratively. But as his time to depart this world drew closer, he decided to “speak plainly.” Thr text says, the disciples now understood. Understanding led them to believe that Jesus came from God.
John’s gospel has two recurring themes, “Believing,” and that “Jesus is coming from God.” We grow in knowledge and understanding when the scales of ignorance falls off. Faith is deepened and strengthened when it is complemented by reasoning.
Even so, the Lord knows that the most faithful of us is still like a baby feeding on milk until teeth develops. He knows that in our frailties, when the time of trials and persecution comes, instead of standing by him,“we will be scattered, each to his own home,” abandoning him “all alone.”
But as it is, God’s church is not built on people’s strength but on his ability to use people even after they have failed.
That is why fallen as we are, he still assures us of peace in a troubled world!
Yes, our lowest moments, our Lord tells us to “take heart” because he has overcome the world! And because he has overcome the world, we too are overcomers!
This world of trouble may turn against us, but we have this peace from above which passes human understanding, and we hold it with a firm grip! At the peak of our weaknesses, we are stronger than the strongest for God’s strength is revealed in our weakness.
In summary, “believe that Jesus came from God. Have peace in Christ Jesus. We live in a troubled world, but take heart! Jesus Christ has overcome the world.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you for overlooking my failures and using me even after I have failed. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
