“E Go Better! – It Shall Be Well!”


“E Go Better! – It Shall Be Well!”
We do not all come to Jesus with the same concerns and worries. We noted in the case of the rich young ruler that Jesus wanted him to part with his wealth, then come follow him Jesus. That was something the rich young ruler was not ready to do.
But what about those who like Peter and the others have left everything to follow Jesus?(Lk.18:28-30). Is there any reward for them?
Leaving everything to follow Jesus Christ is relative. Our possessions are in varying degrees. What is important is “We have left everything to follow you!” In the case of Simon and his brother, Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Their reaction was immediate as “at once they left their nets and followed him”(Mk.1:16-18).
You may say there were just ordinary fishing nets that they left to follow Jesus. But those nets were worth their weight in gold! The nets were their means of livelihoods; providing for their daily needs and those of their families.
Indeed they left everything to follow Jesus to become fishers of men. They switched profession, but it would appear catching men could not fetch any cash as catching fish.
What a challenge! What future for them and such as us who left our professions and all the benefits we received from it?
To anyone thinking like Peter, Jesus assures, “I tell you the truth, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and in the age to come, eternal life.”
There is something fatal which we leave behind when we leave everything and follow Jesus Christ. The present times in which we live is evil! Jesus Christ…gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of God and Father…”(Gal.1:4).
What is coming to us is rewarding and glorious, like the seed that falls on good soil. It produces a crop “multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times”
The present times will continue to pose many challenges to those who follow Jesus, but the life of the believer will be like being in a calm boat with Jesus in a very stormy sea!
My friend, one thing you must know and keep to heart: “God takes nothing from a christian without making multiplied restoration in a new and glorious form. Unfortunately, fellowship with other believers may develop in persecution, but beyond the conflicts of the present times, triumph is assured to those who belong to God.
The summary of it is that “the gain will be worth the pain!” “E go better!”
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the assurance that no matter what we have lost, the best is yet to come. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Babila Fochang.
