“Declare The Wonders Of God!”


“Declare The Wonders Of God!”
In everything that God does, he ensures that there is continuity. The old is filled with new content to make it new. Jesus Christ died on the evening of the Paschal (Passover) feast and became the true sacrificial Lamb of the Passover celebration. Jesus transformed the regular Passover meal that was eaten by families into the Lord’s Supper.
The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. Pentecost was the 50th day after the Sabbath of Passover week. It was also called the Feast of Weeks: “Then celebrate the Feast of Weeks to the Lord your God by giving a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the Lord your God has given you” (Dt.16:10), the Feast of Harvest: “Celebrate the Feast of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field” (Ex.23:16), and the day of first fruits: “On the day of first fruits, when you present to the Lord an offering of new grain during the Feast of Weeks…” (Num.28:26).
Pentecost was therefore an inaugural day beginning the week of celebration while offering to the Lord commensurate to the blessings one had received from the Lord. On this special Pentecost God filled it with new content as instead of expecting offering from the people, he rather offered the Holy Spirit as promised by his Son.
Pentecost was transformed from a day of celebrating the harvest of firstfruits to a day of receiving the Holy Spirit; the Counselor; the Spirit of truth. What we find special when the Holy Spirit comes on us is that people of other tongues will hear us declaring the wonders of God in their own tongues(Acts2:1-13).
My friend, “What does this mean?” What it means is that since we have received the Holy Spirit, let people hear us declaring the wonders of God in their own tongues. If you have a Bible translation project around you, support it fully so that every tongue will hear the wonders of God declared in their own tongues!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you for the Holy Spirit who has come to help me to declare the wonders of God, and to support Bible translation projects. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
