“Cling To Jesus The Guarantee Of Your Salvation!”


“Cling On To Jesus The Guarantee Of Your Salvation!”
We are becoming over familiar with a phrase like, “you cannot keep doing the same things and expecting different results.” What is meant by this is that as the days go by it is necessary to change the narrative. In our common parlance we say, “the cassette dong wrap!”
Of course, change is the only constant; ironically made to be constant by a “God who changeth not.” Life is progressive; it is not stagnant. With the passage of time we come up with innovative ideas on how to change existing narratives – even in the realm of the sacred.
We may not necessarily move house to enjoy a new house and environment. Sometimes we just have to rearrange the furnitures and everything would seem as good as new. Each time we change a narrative we move the world a step forward positively.
The Bible is a perfect demonstration of narrative change through progressive revelations that culminated in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ is the result of narrative change. To this end the writer of the letter to the Hebrews states: “…The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless…and a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God…Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant”(Heb.7:15-22).
Oh yes, we have this guarantee of a better covenant! Only a fool would internationally abandon the substance to run after the shadow. Hold on to Jesus everyday!
*”O Christ in thee my soul hath found, and found in thee alone…Now none but Christ can satisfy, none other name for me! There’s love, and life, and lasting joy, Lord Jesus, found in thee…”
Weekend prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you that through your sacrificial death you have become my guarantee of a better covenant with the Father. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



“Keep The Covenant!”

“Keep The Covenant!”(Jer. 11:1-13).Yesterday we reflected on the jealousy of our God – which is the possessiveness of what he cherishes.Just like in the days

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