“Look Up To Jesus Christ And Be Saved!”


“Look Up To Jesus Christ And Be Saved!”
A fond memory I have of my parents is that each time any of them berated, chastised or punished any of us, it didn’t take long for the concerned to turn back with soothing and consoling words to the one who was punished. It was probably your experience because it is a typical aspect of parental upbringing that runs across board on the African continent, .
This may explain why like Yaa of Kenjo Jumban’s “The Whiteman of God” we cannot understand the God who will burn people in everlasting hell fire without blinking an eye of regret.
But again that is the wrong theology which missionary Christianity implanted on the continent and which has been so deeply ingrained in us.
On the contrary, the God we serve is a God of second chances! No matter how often we stumble and fall, he is there to lift us up. No matter how often we sin and cause his anger to rise against us, he punishes but comforts us soon after.
Oh yes; even when he caused the children of Israel to be bitten by snakes, he still asked Moses to raise up a bronze snake on a pole so that whoever was bitten by a snake looked up to it and was healed(Num.21:4-9).
Jesus Christ hanging on the cross became the bronze snake which when bitten by the afflictions of sin we should look up to and be healed.
To proof the supremacy of Christ the bronze snake on a pole has become the universal symbol of healing in the medical world. Indeed, at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!
My friend, your sins may have weighed you down. God may have punished you enough. Remember that he is a compassionate father who in your deserved affliction provides for you a remedy. No matter the degree of affliction and pain, look up to the man of Calvary and receive your healing! With God every problem has an expiry date!
Prayer of the week: Father Almighty, thank you for making Jesus Christ the bronze snake that heals me. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working week and have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!



“Morning Prayer!”

“Morning Prayer!”(Mk.1:35-39).“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he

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