“Jesus Christ Is The Best Choice, Let His Word Not Be Taken Away From You!”


“Jesus Christ Is The Best Choice, Let His Word Not Be Taken Away From You!”
I remember my first year in ministry. I had just arrived the presbytery seat and fortunately the pastors of the presbytery had a meeting. As soon as I introduced myself a senior pastor told me, “You are going to enter a big house well equiped, but unfortunately I am coming to collect all the furnitures therein.” I was aghast and crestfallen by such a welcome. Other senior colleagues had taken note. A week later one of them wrote a comforting letter to me. Among other things he said, “Allow whosoever to take everything from you, but never allow anybody to take your Bible away from you.” That was way back in 1992 but I have cherished those words and have held tight to my Bible.
Jesus visited two sisters, Martha and Mary. While Martha was preoccupied with mundane preparations, Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.”
Martha became concerned; “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” Could it be a woman’s instinct that perhaps her sister was interested in Jesus? Did that make her jealous?
I am sure that Jesus’ response embarrased and pained her. Jesus answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her”(Lk.10:38-42). Remember it was Martha who opened her home to Jesus. The preparation she was engaged in was for his entertainment.
Yes, listening to Jesus is what is better, but listening to Jesus without engaging on how to make a living is like being in the land of the lotus eaters listening to the sweet melodies of the sirens until you die of hunger.
Bottomline: Do not be over-carried away by mundane preoccupations but rather give enough time to the study and practice of God’s word. All things shall pass away except the word of God.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ you are the only thing I need. Let your word not be taken away from me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
