“Lord, Make Me Clean!”


“Lord, Make Me Clean!”
When I read any biblical story of a leper what comes to my mind vividly is an aunt who lived in the Baptist leprosy settlement in Mbingo. Each time she visited us I saw how she was served in her own dish, she had her drinking cup and a corner of the house to herself. We were not expected to eat anything from her or to touch what belonged to her. My father was however a person who had transcended those social platforms of stigma and wouldn’t want to see us treat her sister as an outcast.
Even in biblical times lepers were outcasts and stigmatized persons.
It needed courage for a leper to defy a “large crowd,” came and knelt before Jesus and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Jesus also made an action that defied social norms; he “reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing, be clean!'”
The man was immediately cured of his leprosy. Jesus told the man to maintain silence, but to go and show himself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them”(Mtt.8:1-4).(Read Lev. 13&14 concerning skin diseases and it’s concomitant actions).
Here is a nameless leper whose known identity is the disease he is suffering from. He like other lepers is an outcast, who must not mingle with the crowd. And even if he happens to be healed, he must first show himself to the priest who must confirm his wholeness. Thereafter he must offer a sacrifice of testimony before he is rehabilitated into full community and social life.
Back in the seminary I thought the course, “A Christian Response To HIV/AIDS.” The main question we pose to kick start the course was, “If Jesus was living now, what would have been his attitude towards PLWHA? His encounter with the leper in the text is evident of how he would have treated them: He would have shown them Love and Compassion. We must do the same to those who are stigmatized for no fault of theirs.
My friend, the leper teaches you that no matter your condition, do not let the crowd to intimidate you! Recognise Jesus, take a bold step to him and with confidence and determination ask him what you want him to do for you! Be humble the way you go about it. Kneel before Jesus and address him, “Lord!”
Jesus will touch you and tell you “It is done!” Jesus is the solution to your problem! Put your case to him with humility and it is done!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



“Keep The Covenant!”

“Keep The Covenant!”(Jer. 11:1-13).Yesterday we reflected on the jealousy of our God – which is the possessiveness of what he cherishes.Just like in the days

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