“Be A Blessing To Everybody!”


“Be A Blessing To Everybody!”
The bond of family and kinship is so strong. It requires a lot of will-power to tear yourself off from bloodties. But when God calls us he is asking us to leave the comfort of cherished family and homeland to a life of wandering.
God asked Abram to leave country, people and father’s household to go to Canaan, a land yet to be showed him by God.
It was Terah his father who was to go to Canaan, but when he came to Haran he settled there for more than 205 years (Gen. 11:31-32). This is to say Haran was never the intended destination. Terah delayed God’s plan by becoming comfortable at a stop-over, a resting point.
Each day of life is a journey to an unknown destination. We may make our plans knowing where we want to go, what to do and when to do it, yet in concrete terms only God knows whether you’ll wake up or not on the morrow. Our times are in God’s hands.
Even when we stand on the promises of God, the promise is sometimes so unpromising! How do you tell a barren couple, “I will make you into a great nation…?” When we reason in human terms we may conclude that it’s a senseless promise not worth relying upon.
But God is definite in his promise: “…I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing…”
Have you ever taken time to reflect whether you are a blessing to others? Blessings are interwoven. As it flows out from you, so it flows in to you. “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse…”
My friend, it is not good to curse (pidgin kosh) anybody. That person may be your Abram who if you bless him God will bless you too in return. Just be a blessing to everybody for it is in that way that you are blessed in turn. All peoples of the earth may not be blessed through you, but surely some “peoples of the earth will be blessed through you”(Gen. 12:1-3).
It costs nothing to say a God bless you to somebody. Even more importantly be a blessing through what you do to others and how you treat others! Be a blessing to the Abram near you so that God will bless you as well!
Welcome back to work! May the good Lord bless, protect and keep you safe today and all through the week!
Peace be with you!



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