“Do Not Be Ashamed To Suffer For The Gospel!”

“Do Not Be Ashamed To Suffer For The Gospel!”(II Tim.1:11-14).I did my first practical month(internship) in Itoki, Dikoume presbytery with Rev Njwei Lucas of blessed memory. May he and all the faithful departed continue to rest in peace. He called me Timothy and I called him Paul. What a coincidence that few months later, after […]

“Challenge The Motive But Rejoice In The Message!”

“Challenge The Motive, But Rejoice In The Message!”(Phi.1:15-21).“It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The later do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they […]

“A Burden Shared Is Comforting!”

“A Burden Shared Is Comforting!”(II Cor.1:3-7).I am not wearing your shoes, I cannot tell where you feel its pinch. You are not wearing my mine, you cannot know where I feel it’s pinch. But since I know the pain from my pinch, I can understand what you are experiencing.Pain and suffering can be God’s megaphone […]

“The Food That Endures To Eternal Life!”

“The Food That Endures To Eternal Life!”(Jn.6:22-29).At a meeting of the Lagos branch of the Umuofia Progressive Union, Joshua, a messenger who had been sacked for sleeping on duty asked for a loan. Before the loan was approved the President berated Joshua saying, “You did not leave Umuofia four hundred miles away to come and […]

“On The Other Side Of Public Opinion!”

“On the other side of public opinion!”(Jer. 11:18-20).Whether a prophet likes it or not, the word of the LORD that he must pass on to the people compels him to stand on the other side of public opinion. As it was in days gone by and as it continues today, whoever is standing on the […]