“Be Like-minded Like Christ Jesus!”

“Be Like-minded Like Christ!”(Phi.2:1-5).A common question often posed these days is,“How did we get here?” Let us consider the following anecdotes as the reason why we are here:“Christians, please consider that when somebody is wounded by the church, your impulse to ‘defend the church’ needs to be last priority. The priority is tending to the […]

“If You Must Boast, Boast In The Lord!”

“If You Must Boast, Boast In The Lord!”(II Cor.10:12-18).We take delight in talking more on the subject we know best. And to some people the subject they best is themselves, so they talk more about themselves.It is not completely wrong to talk about self; otherwise there wouldn’t be need for autobiographies. What makes talking about […]

“Lord, In Your Compassion Spare Us!”

“Lord, In Your Compassion Spare Us!”(Mal.3:13-4:2a).Some few years after Nehemiah had led those who returned and rebuilt Jerusalem, some people raised accusations against the Lord saying, “It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the […]

“We Have Only Done Our Duty!”

“We Have Only Done Our Duty!”(Lk.17:7-10).“The rich man in his castle. The poor man at his gate. God made them high or lowly. And order’d their estate.” This is a stanza that was later added to the poem, “All things bright and beautiful…” by Cecil Frances Alexander, 1848.The added stanza is a social and theological […]

“Be Humble…!”

“Be Humble…!”(Prv.25:6-7).Those who compiled the Bible were inspired to place the Book of Proverbs among the “Wisdom Literatures;” which are the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs.The book of Proverbs is more practical than theological. Proverbs nonetheless highlights God’s work as creator. In the book, “Wisdom” is a personification of God.Although […]