“Lord, Reveal The Glory Of Christ Through Me!”


“Lord, Reveal The Glory Of Christ Through Me!”
Mary like any mother knew her son Jesus so well that she knew what he could do if he so desired. They were all at a wedding at Cana. Realising that the wine was gone Jesus’ mother told him, “They have no more wine.” Jesus replied his mother, “Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come.” Mary however went ahead to tell the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Thus it was that Jesus asked the servants to fill the jars with water. When that was done he asked them to take some to the master of the banquet. It turned out to be the choice wine of the occasion.
John ends the narration by stating that this was the first miraculous sign performed by Jesus. If this is so, why did Mary think that her son was able to save the bridegroom from shame and disgrace for not providing enough wine? We can only speculate that as a mother watching her son grow up, she had noticed little extraordinary things which Jesus did. Mary knew her son so well that she knew he will do what she asked of him. She told the servants to do whatever he told them to do.
I just read somewhere that an act of kindness, a show a love may just be God’s miracle from you to somebody. That’s exactly what happened at Cana. Mary felt for the bridegroom, so she asked her son to help. And he did. It needed the unhesitant compliance of the servants. Collectively they helped saved the bridegroom the embarrassment and ridicule that would’ve ensued. Everybody present were entertained with enough ordinary water turned to wine.
By performing this first miraculous sign Jesus “revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith him”(Jn. 2:11).
Yes, Jesus reveals his glory to us as through other people he performs miraculous signs in our lives. He does this through the little acts of kindness, hospitality, tenderness and love that we show to others! He does this so that we may put our faith in him, for we are nothing without him!
Having known this may God use you somehow to be a miraculous sign of Jesus to someone today! Be the light of Christ to someone that enables the one to put his/her faith in Jesus!
Holy Spirit fill me with love and faith!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!



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