“Give Generously For The Service Of The Lord!”


“Give Generously For The Service Of The Lord!”
Giving for the service of God’s work is an obligation to every believer. However, there must be proper education and groundwork so that people are not taken unawares.
When such preparations are lacking, the people give grudgingly.
Worst still, when there is lack of accountability, giving will be done grudgingly. As it is said, “Mr Trust died because he was poisoned by bad pay.” To assuage this kind of situation Paul set up parameters to “avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift.” Paul was “taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men”(II Cor.8:18-21).
Paul had boasted to the Macedonian churches how since the previous year the Achaian church was eager to help the work of the saints in Jerusalem. However, such a generous money offering to the service of the Lord still required some pre-planning.
Paul therefore suggested to them to do what he had asked the Galatian churches to do: “On the first day of every week, each one should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up…”(I Cor.16:1-4).
In other that his boasting should not become a disgrace to him, Paul sent some brothers to visit in advance “and finish the arrangements for the generous gift” which the Achaian church had promised. With all these prior arrangements and preparations, on the day of final collection “it will be ready as a generous gift, not as one grudgingly given.”(II Cor.9:1-5).
My friend, if you are a minister, prepare the people well in advance to give for the welfare of God’s work and also ensure accountability, so that you do not kill the spirit of the joy of giving in your parishioners! And to you fellow believers do not give grudgingly; make it a generous gift!
Prayer: Holy Spirit encourage me to prepare my offering and to give generously and not grudgingly. Amen!
Have a blessed day and new week! Peace be with you!
