“Celebrate Mother’s Love!”


“Celebrate Mother’s Love!”
There is this portrait of a black woman cuddling her baby in her arms while breastfeeding him. The portrait carries the simple caption, “Mother’s Love.” One male chauvinist said a woman is inferior to the man because Eve was created after Adam. One lady fired back that if that’s the logic, then the man is inferior to the animals since they were created before Adam.
African feminist theologians argue that male chauvinism has always relegated the women to the backbench.
St Augustine said woman without man is incomplete, but man without woman is complete. He was basing from the rib theory.
Today we are inspired to pay tribute to the Mother of Jesus and by extension to all women. There is this musician called “Pa Bali.” He sings in Mungaka, his mother-tongue. In a song dedicated to his mother he recounts how the mother used to carry him on her back and climbed steep hills to go to the farm. He urinated and excreted on the mother’s lap, but she would always wipe away the mess and embrace her baby. He says he thought he would repay the mother, but wonders again aloud what he could use in paying the mother. Then he says, “Even if I do not pay you, God will pay you…”
The first time I played this song in the presence of my mother-in-law she danced until. She praised the young artist and I loved what she said, “Oh my son, you have sung this song on behalf of all children and I’m dancing on behalf of all mothers.” I will never forget that! In Africa a mother is a mother to every child and a child is a child to every parent.
A tribute to Mary is a tribute to all mothers. “Mother is gold!”
Our text today is the story about Jesus when he was twelve years old. They had gone up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover. On their way back the parents did not miss the boy for a whole day because they thought he was with other relatives. Jesus had remained behind without their knowledge.
The parents found him after a three-day search. He was “in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers…”
When the parents found him, his mother said, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” Jesus asked, “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” I believe Joseph could only receive this kind of answer with a pinch of salt!
Our focus here is on a comment made by Luke the gospel writer: “But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.”
Yes, “Mother is gold!”
If Mary was today’s young woman she would have had a kind of hatred for Jesus because she received public humiliation when she was carrying him in the womb. I am not a Catholic; and I don’t have any problem with the Assumption of Mary! One thing I’m sure of is that Mary like all loving mothers deserve accolades for playing motherly roles!
The late Prince Nico Mbarga demonstrated that a deserved accolade to a mother is spontaneous. His hit song, “Sweet Mother” came very naturally and it was only when “man pikin, some of them begin to vex,” that’s when he played “Good Father!” Even so, it didn’t hit the stands like “Sweet Mother” until he complemented it with “Family Movement” where he saw Papa as “governor for family” and Mama as “care-taker for family…”
The Akans of Ghana depend on an old woman to choose a rightful successor who will lead people with justice. Reason being that while people are going about their daily chores, they gather all the children and bring to her. She has time to observe them to know those who have compassionate characters and the ability of gathering and reconciling others.
I think St. Augustine was wrong to think that man is complete without woman. On the contrary, the woman is the backbone to the man. If St. Augustine based his conclusion from the rib theory, he equally failed to see that Mary became pregnant without a man.
My friend, another year is about to end. As you count your blessings and name them one by one, don’t forget to remember that “Mother is Gold!”
And as you prepare to enter the new year, let your steps be guided with this example: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men”(Lk.2:41-52).
We celebrated the birth of Jesus because he was birthed by a woman, so let us celebrate Mother!
Therefore, do not seek the applause of men, rather grow in wisdom and live a life that would be in favour with God and men!
God bless you! Peace be with you! Happy New year!



“Morning Prayer!”

“Morning Prayer!”(Mk.1:35-39).“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he

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