“Lord, Thank You For Your Love!”


“Lord, Thank You For Your Love!”
I saw this inscription on a bike: “If men were God it will not rain on some people’s gardens.” The heart of man is very unpredictable. Jonah shocks us by being angry at God’s compassion on Nineveh. Jonah would have been happy to see his words come true and Nineveh destroyed(Jon.4:1-11).
We should rejoice when people hear the goodnews of salvation and respond positively. The prophet Jeremiah predicts that great moment when no man will teach the other to know the Lord because the law will be written in every heart. We should all long for such a day.
Today in Cameroon from both sides of the divide there are so many peace crusaders who like Jonah pray inwardly that there should be no peace in actuality. There are many who are reaping huge benefits from the present status quo and would love to see it continue. The time is 4am. My phone rings as an alert. Then the same number sends an SMS: “We dey around Mr Babila. We have given u a long rope 2 draw———????????” We receive these kinds of threats on a regular basis. Tell me how some people would not be angry if God shows his compassion on us and end this unplanned and mismanaged struggle!
My friend God is very concerned about us such that his love, mercy and compassion flows on us if we repent! It is time for “frank talk” to put an end to this fracas! God needs us to spread this message of justice and equity so that genuine peace can be attained!
Yes, peace is possible; but justice is necessary!
Weekend Prayer: Lord thank you for your compassion towards us. May we seek justice so that we can attain your peace that passes all understang. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
