“Hope In The Lord And Your Strength Will Be Renewed!”

“Hope In The Lord And Your Strength Will Be Renewed!” There is none to whom we can compare our God. While idols are made of human hands and placed in the midst of humans, the Almighty “sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens […]

“Be Strong; The Lord Is Your Comfort!”

“Be Strong; The Lord Is Your Comfort!” The story is told of a Bishop who stayed up late into the night. When God asked why he was up so late, he replied that he was worried about the fate of his parishioners. God told him, “Bishop, go to sleep and leave the worrying to me!” […]

“The Blessings Of The Lord Is Upon You!”

“The Blessing Of The Lord Is Upon You!” This moral question has been debated upon severally by both theologians, clergy and laity concerning the source of what Christians bring to God as offerings. Is God always satisfied with the offerings we make to him? Besides, some people take it for granted that they have a […]

“The Compassionate Jesus Is The Solution To Your Problem!”

“The Compassionate Jesus Is The Solution To Your Problem!” Once I visited in my in-law’s compound and a five-year girl who had grown out of the village (born for coast) was asked to come and greet me. She came to me and said “Ba Mfon, u lahndi?”(Ba Mfon, good morning) They told her that was […]

“Open Wide Your Heart To Others!”

“Open Wide Your Heart To Others!” In a typical African village life is communal. What concerns one person is the concern of everybody. My people say, “Muñ ni Muñ” – man live by man! Again, it is acknowledged that a person’s people are his buttocks. This is equal to “Ubuntu” of eastern and southern Africa. […]